Homeopathic Detailed Instructions

Important Note: Coffee (avoid for at least 15 minutes of the remedy, if not completely), mint & camphor (avoid completely- check toothpaste, essential oils & self care products) will likely antidote remedies

Take each remedy at least 5 minutes apart & 15 minutes from any food or drink besides water.

Promise to claim daily: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I WILL hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13

Instructions for remedy use and storage:

Take each number at least 5 minutes apart from any other remedy unless indicated on the same line with a “+”.

Example: If you take the first remedy at 6:00 then take the next no sooner than 6:05 and so on.

Dry remedies are to be dissolved under your tongue with nothing to eat or drink 5 minutes before and after.


1. Store in a dry, cool place.

2. Away from sunlight.

3. Away from microwave, computer, and cell phone.

How to dispense:

1. If you have the white bottle by OHM, green by Olliois or blue by Borion, you'll turn the bottle upside down and twist the cap to the right to dispense the number of pellets outlined as a dose on the bottle (3-5) - one turn for each pellet. You may pour the pellets into your mouth from the cap if you don't allow the cap to touch your mouth or tongue.

2. If you have a bottle without a dispenser such as Washington Homeopathics, you'll simply open it and carefully tap the stated dosage on the bottle (usually 5-10 pills) into the lid, a small medicine or bathroom cup that's clean and dry. Be sure your hands are clean, dry, and have no smells on them like soap, food, or oils.

3. DON'T put extra pellets back into the bottle after they touched other surface. Just consume the extra pills as there is no such thing as an overdose in homeopathy. 

4. Don't allow your hands, lips, or anything to touch the inside of the bottle or cap.

Other Guidelines:

1. Nothing to eat or drink for 5 minutes before or after taking the remedy.

2. Don't open the remedy bottle in the presence of strong smells like essential oils, lotions, perfumes, onions, cleaners, etc.

3. Recap bottles quickly.

4. Limit or eliminate peppermint products, tea tree oil, and camphor to avoid canceling the action of the remedies.

Avoid Amazon for ordering remedies but if you can find Borion or Ollois brand elsewhere, it is a good choice.

Want to treat yourself and your family for ACUTE SYMPTOMS? Come learn the secrets in my EmpowerHER Class. Time is limited! 

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**This is for educational purposes only and does not replace the advice of your doctor. Never discontinue medication without the help of your doctor. By following this educational information, you are making the choice about your and your children’s health.

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Probiotic, if you feel led:

Add organic fermented foods as much as possible.

Additional probiotic information:  when taking probiotics, I typically go to the health food store and look at what they have for shelf-stable product that contains soil-based organisms. Choosing a “survivable” supplement is important. I look for high CFU count. Check for strains like Bacillus coagulans, Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bacillus clausii and other cultures or formulas that ensure that probiotics make it to the gut and are able to colonize. Prebiotics in the form of (preferably fermented) flaxseed, chia seed, cañihua seed, astragalus, ashwagandha, hemp seed, pumpkin seed, milk thistle, peas, ginger, mung bean and turmeric. “Live and active cultures” are best. I hope that helps for selection in the future as it’s a good idea to rotate between different brands. 

Magnesium, if you feel led:

Be sure it is glycinate & avoid oxide

Brands I like:

Heart Calm by Vital Biologics (My favorite and the one I use)

Kal Magnesium Glycinate

Solaray Magnesium Glycinate

Cod Liver Oil:

Rosita Brand (you can order on their site or on Perfect Supplements site)

Dessicated Liver:

Perfect Supplements

(Use with caution with mast cell/high histamine issues and gut health issues)

Diet recommendations:

Organic Meat Stock

● Drink 3-4 cups meat stock daily. You can cook veggies in it that you’re going to eat. Here is the recipe I use: https://melissacrenshaw.com/blog/f/homemade-chicken-broth-for-your-recipes . This is different than bone broth and will heal and seal the gut to allow for gut healing. Just spread the servings out throughout the day and don’t try to drink it all at the same time. You can also make this into a soup if you get tired of drinking it straight. You can also put a chicken in the crockpot in the morning and it’ll be ready that evening.


● Use as much raw milk and cheese as you can, in place of pasteurized dairy- it’s gut healing and more easily digested than pasteurized milk.

You can make butter from your raw milk https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a91036/how-to-make-butter/

Local: Get $10 off your first order when you use this link for your grassfed / organic meats & raw dairy: https://fedfromthefarm.com/register…

Eat focused on organic and or local foods from farmers you trust or grow yourself. 

Learn more on nutrition by booking a coaching call with me.

Resources: https://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is fundamentally different from conventional (allopathic) medicine. Allopathic medicine tends to heavily focus on pharmaceuticals, many of which merely suppress symptoms and cause side effects leading to further imbalance. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. It’s unfortunate that the word homeopathy has the prefix “home” in it because it gives the impression that homeopathy is synonymous with home remedies, food supplements, vitamins and herbs. In fact, homeopathy does not incorporate any of these modalities.


Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word “homeo” meaning like or similar and “pathos” meaning pathology or illness. So the literal meaning of homeopathy is similar illness. This means that a homeopathic medicine is administered based upon its ability to mimic the disease state, thereby stimulating the body to heal itself.

Homeopathy had its beginning in eighteenth century Germany, with Samuel Hahnemann, a physician and scholar whose practice included aristocracy and royalty. Disappointed in the results of the medicine that he and his colleagues were then using, Hahnemann left his prominent practice. He went on to discover a profound natural law, the Law of Similars, which became the foundation for homeopathy. ​The Law of Similars asserts that any substance which can cause symptoms when given to a healthy person can help to heal those who are experiencing similar symptoms when given in a very minimal amount.