My Child Only Wants Chips
Do you have a child who currently eats more junk food than you know is good for them but getting them to eat healthier feels like a lost cause or impossible?
For situations like this, I like to suggest “crowding out” the junk. Often as your child starts eating more nutritious foods, their body feels satisfied on a cellular level which leads to them reaching for less of the junk foods.
How are their junk food habits benefiting them (or me if I am honest)? There is ALWAYS a benefit and it is more than filling the stomach.
How can we replace these items with equally delicious, yet nutritious foods that are easy for them to grab?
How will their life and health change when we remove junk food?
Many people turn to junk food when they are stressed or bored and looking for a quick endorphin hit. Sadly, eating won’t solve it and is a short term solution. What they really need is a well-rounded meal consisting of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to nourish their bodies and provide slow-burning energy AND to learn to deal with the stress in a more effective way (see below for a strategy). It is one of our jobs as parents to teach our children healthy coping strategies (and you can learn right alongside them if it’s a new concept for you, too).
It may sound counterintuitive but adding in MORE real food will slowly lead to less junk food cravings. When you place a strong emphasis on real food + recognize any buffering that is taking place, you will find that they will feel less urging to eat those chips!
Ask your child to replace ONE snack with real food today. Help them decided on something they enjoy in advance and make sure they have easy access to it::
Apples, oranges, and bananas are great on-the-go snacks. Include a couple slices of organic deli meat. Protein helps keep them full and satisfied.
Slice of sprouted or organic sourdough toast with almond butter and raw honey.
Organic grass-fed jerky + some fruit
Greek yogurt parfait layered with sliced fruit and a drizzle of raw honey if they are craving something sweet (or even add some organic granola).
If Emotions are the Reason they are Buffering:
Help them name the emotion (name it to tame it)
Ask them what else, besides a snack would feel good in their body right now. If they are feeling angry, how about a walk or deep breathing? If they are feeling sad, how about stretching or journaling? Feeling confused, how about a listening ear? Kids age three and up can benefit from an emotion chart being posted with some healthy coping strategies listed to pull from. Younger kiddos also have done great when I ask them to draw a picture of what they are feeling.
*Remind them that after they name the feeling and try the new strategy, they can still grab a snack if they still feel they need it.
A few secrets to ensure they won’t end up overeating junk food:
Always have them eat a healthy breakfast. Include a protein to stabilize blood sugar and reduce cravings.
Make sure that they are including a healthy protein at each meal and snack.
Get enough sleep! Our hunger cues are thrown off track when we aren’t sleeping enough. Sleep balances leptin and ghrelin, the hormones that tell us when to start and stop eating. If sleep is an issue, try establishing a healthy sleep routine, including getting some sunshine as early in the day as possible.
Keep the concept of crowding out at the forefront of your mind. This should not feel restrictive or be said in a way that demonizes certain foods. This is about expansion NOT restriction.
Additionally, try replacing your children's favorite snacks with certified organic alternatives. Why? Part of it is pesticides but organic means SO MUCH more than just what pesticides were used.
Prioritizing buying foods labeled organic means:
No artificial sweeteners
No artificial dyes (so so important for kiddos with behavior or emotional issues)
No artificial flavors
No artificial preservatives
No high fructose corn syrup
No hydrogenated oils
No glyphosate
And more
**This is for educational purposes only and does not replace the advice of your doctor. By follo